Ethical management

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Charter of Human Rights

This Charter aims to outline the ethics principles that TYM upholds for each key stakeholder in their professional practices and behaviors.

Charter of Human Rights

Article 1: Prohibition of Discrimination

The Company does not discriminate against anyone in the aspect of employment, promotion, education, wage, welfare, etc. or on the ground of gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, disability, religion, age, family status, academic background, connections, social status, and political opinion for all executives and employees and it structures the organizational culture to respect the diversity of executives and employees. Any case of discrimination shall be handled by zero tolerance policy.

Article 2: Prohibition of Harassment

TYM prohibits any act that cause physical or mental suffering of other employees or deteriorate the work environment beyond the appropriate scope of work by taking advantage of a person’s superiority in relationship in the workplace. This includes sexual harassment, which may cause sexual humiliation, repulsion, or shame, and non-sexual harassment such as mobbing, bullying, and threats.

Article 3: Compliance with Working Conditions

TYM complies with the legal working hours, and it pays all executives and employees reasonable remunerations for the work along with the salary statement. In addition, TYM pays more than the minimum wage in accordance with each minimum wage-related law, including the Minimum Wage Act, and provides sufficient training opportunities and a work environment suitable for job performance for all executives and employees to develop their capabilities and improve their quality of life.

Article 4: Humane Treatment

TYM respects the privacy of the executives and employees and fully protects personal information. It does not physically or mentally abuse, or adversely treat any executives or employees.

Article 5: Guarantee of the Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

TYM respects the labor relations laws and provides sufficient opportunity for communication with all executives and employees.

Article 6: Prohibition of Forced Labor and Child Labor

TYM does not engage in any act of violence, threat, false imprisonment, or goes against the will of any executive or employee and it does not coerce any work against the free will by the method of confiscating a personal ID or company ID. In addition, any labor or employment of children and adolescents under the age of 15 are prohibited in principle.

Article 7: Guarantee of Industrial Safety

TYM regularly inspects the facilities, equipment, tools, and other elements of the business premises for all executives and employees to work in a safe environment. A support plan for post management and appropriate measures for the purpose of preventing physical and mental hazards is in place.

Article 8: Protection of the Human Rights of Residents

All executives and employees of TYM are cautioned not to interfere with the human rights of local residents when carrying out their work. Moreover, the rights to safety and health for the residents and freedom of residence are protected.

Article 9: Protection of the Human Rights for Customers

All executives and employees of TYM shall make it their highest priority to protect the life, health, and property of customers when providing products and services and shall make their best endeavors and take measures to protect the personal information collected from management activities.