Environment, safety, and health

Health & safety organizational structure
Through the health and safety organizational structure, TYM seeks to ensure all grievances within the company are handled swiftly and efficiently. The streamlined nature of the structure enables individuals to share key developments effectively with each level.

Health & safety governance structure
By establishing the health and safety structure, TYM seeks to develop new programs by involving employees from all levels of the organization.

TYM has implemented and operates the ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System) to ensure a safe working environment for employees.

TYM has established an emergency command center to respond to sudden accidents and natural disasters according to the company manual.

In preparation for emergencies, TYM has formed an emergency response body and created emergency training scenarios, a contact directory, evacuation procedures and instructions.

Through the Industrial Health & Safety Committee under the CSEO (Chief Safety and Environment Officer), who reports directly to the CEO, TYM deliberates and makes resolutions on agendas related to health, safety, and occupational accidents.

The health and safety management body takes full responsibility for occupational safety. The Health and Safety Chief develops strategies to prevent occupational accidents and reports to top management.
Related sustainability commitments

Learn how TYM engages with its stakeholders to help foster a more sustainable society.

Supply chain management
See how TYM aims for mutual business growth with all trading partners.

Stories and articles
TYM prioritizes corporate social responsibility across various causes in order to fulfill its role in society.