Working at TYM

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Customer Centric Thinking

Customer Centric Thinking

  • TYM embraces customers globally, curating personalized services to meet diverse international needs.
  • At TYM, success hinges on customer satisfaction, driving us to deliver top-tier service and a legacy of excellence.
  • We should change the established work process, if the change will improve customer satisfaction.
Powering Communication With Open-Mindedness

Powering Communication With Open-Mindedness

  • TYM fosters open communication, encouraging the evolution of ideas and valuing diverse perspectives.
  • We listen attentively to nurture mutual understanding and growth by engaging in meaningful dialogues.
  • When facing opposing viewpoints, it is crucial to engage in constructive criticism instead of reckless reproach.
One Team Mindset (responsibility, Cooperation, and Community)

One Team Mindset (responsibility, Cooperation, and Community)

  • We cultivate a sense of shared responsibility within our team by recognizing that mutual success is integral
to our mission.
  • Each TYM member is an ambassador, embodying a community mindset to achieve collective goals responsibly.
  • Uniting efforts leads to the realization of organizational and individual success at TYM.
Mutual Respective and Importance of Co-Existence

Mutual Respective and Importance of Co-Existence

  • TYM members have to respect each other on an equal footing. TYM's corporate culture is built upon a foundation of mutual respect.
  • Prioritizing mutual consideration over hierarchy, TYM upholds etiquette, manners, and respect for all.
  • A collaborative spirit among TYM stakeholders empowers collective growth and advancement.
Creative Challenge and Immediate Action

Creative Challenge and Immediate Action

  • TYM values creativity in response to challenges, encouraging dynamic problem-solving and swift implementation of innovative ideas.
  • Ideas are worthless without execution. Creative challenges are only worthwhile if they are executed.
  • All leaders have to support team members in promptly implementing challenges that are recognized
as worthwhile.
Careers with TYM

Careers with TYM

TYM’s singular focus on customer success is driven by the dedication of our employees. We welcome individual contributions, providing opportunities for those with exceptional ability to grow based on merit. Click the link below to see our open positions.

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