TYM Publishes 'ESG Report 2023'... Sharing Achievements in Sustainable Growth and Value Creation
July 11, 2024
  • In 2021, TYM was the first in the industry to declare ESG management and published its inaugural sustainability report... This year marks the fourth edition
  • Including various contents such as the development of sustainable products, efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, and responses to climate change through technological innovation
  • “TYM will transparently share the results of its efforts for sustainable growth and value creation and actively communicate with stakeholders.”

TYM advances further as a leading ESG company in the agricultural machinery industry.

Agricultural machinery specialist TYM (CEO Kim Hiyong, Kim Dohoon / 002900) announced on the 11th that it has published the 'ESG Report 2023 (INNOVATIVE LEGACY for the Next Generation)', containing the achievements of last year's ESG management activities.

TYM is publishing an annual ESG report to share and communicate with various stakeholders about the achievements in sustainable growth and value creation across economic, social, and environmental sectors, as well as its mid-to-long-term vision. In 2021, TYM was the first in the industry to declare ESG management and published its inaugural report, marking this year as the fourth edition.

Additionally, TYM conducts an annual materiality assessment in accordance with the 'GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standards 2021' guidelines for sustainability reporting to identify and manage key issues that can impact sustainability. This report includes the ESG goals that TYM strives for, centered around eight critical issues: ▲sustainable products, ▲greenhouse gas reduction, ▲climate change response, ▲customer satisfaction, ▲quality management, ▲supply chain sustainability, ▲technological innovation, and ▲talent development, along with the actual activities undertaken to achieve these goals.

The reporting period covers from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023, and includes some content from the first half of this year to provide timely information on significant achievements. Key quantitative achievements present a total of three years' performance from 2021 to 2023, and some results offer data for more than three years to enable the understanding of long-term trends.

A representative from TYM stated, "Through this report, we reaffirm TYM's efforts towards sustainable growth and value creation, as well as our mid-to-long-term vision, and plan to continue growing as a leading ESG company in the industry." They added, "We will also continue to transparently share the company's sustainability with various stakeholders and actively communicate going forward."